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Job Interview: Top 10 Questions and Answers

Preparing for possible questions that could come up in an interview, will help you prepare and ease your nerves. Practicing possible questions and answers is an easy way to build your confidence and become familiar with the types of questions you could be faced with.



When it comes down to it no-one likes to be in an interview, it is a daunting and nerve racking experience. Preparing for possible questions that could come up in an interview, will help you prepare and ease your nerves. Practicing questions and answers is also an easy way to build your confidence and become familiar with the types of questions you could be faced with.


Typical Questions and Answers in a Job Interview

1. Tell me about yourself

This is one of  the most commonly asked questions  in an interview. Don´t be thrown off  by this question, as most people assume it is a perfect opportunity to tell the employer that they enjoy going down the pub or like to play video games. Don´t make this mistake. This however, IS a perfect opportunity to relate any skills or interests that you do have to the role you are applying for. It is important to keep the conversation professional and demonstrate key skills or qualities that you want to show to your employer.

2. What do you know about our company?

This is typical question asked in an interview, simply the employer wants to know how much research you have conducted before the interview. Research thoroughly, anything about the company you can find the better. You should even ask friends or family whether they are in contact with anyone who is associated with the company, who can give you any advice or information about the company.

3. Tell me something that differentiates you from the other candidates?

This question is a perfect opportunity to sell yourself and make the other candidates seem merely ordinary compared to yourself. Remember not to come across too arrogant and try not to boast but to merely express your attributes and skills so that the interviewer can in-vision you in the role. Keep this answer short and sweet, about 60 seconds, any longer you are in danger of rambling and the interviewer might loose interest.

4. Why did you leave your last job?/ thinking about leaving your current job?

This is not an invitation for you to speak badly about your past employer or talk about how much you hated your job. Points you could include could be; I wanted to expand my career opportunities, I want more responsibilities and to challenge myself, There was no room for me to grow, I wanted to expand my knowledge with other projects and I am extremely interested in the position you have, The job description matches the skills and interests that I possess.

They are just a few examples of what you could include. If you were laid off, be honest, the employer understands that these things can happen and this factor won´t make you stand out for the wrong reasons.

5. What is your greatest strength/Biggest weakness?

Strengths: Here the employer is giving you the chance to emphasise your qualities and here you CAN boast about your  strengths. Although keep it relevant, in particular you need to speak about qualities that evidently you will be using in the role.

Weaknesses: No-one is perfect and saying you have no weaknesses portrays an arrogant attitude. Instead speak about qualities that you want to improve showing the interviewer you are determined to improve and change your weaknesses into new skills.

Sample Answer: I was told by my manager that I look at projects in too much detail and don´t see the bigger picture, so I used my time management skills to organise and plan ideas that showed the bigger picture instead of focusing too much on one tiny detail.

6. Why should I hire you?

Again this question is a great for selling yourself. Use your initiative and speak about skills that will  interest the interviewer. It is best to practice this question as it is extremely likely you will be asked this question in some way or another. By having a well prepared and detailed response will definitely impress the interviewer.

7. What is your preferred salary range?

This can be a tricky question as we all want to be earning thousands, but what is the right amount for the job you´re applying for? There are websites that calculate or give you a rough estimation on how much money that particular job should be getting. It is best to research this before you go into the interview before you are faced with this question and you don´t know.  Here are two websites that you can compare and find out what you should be earning  &

8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Saying you can see yourself doing the interviewers job in 5 years time is not a great answer (even if you do). This is something best kept to yourself. Instead of threatening the interviewer with their own job, describe what sort of responsibility you would like to have. Projects you would like to manage or new experiences you could be involved which you can then relate to the job you are applying to.

9. Tell me a time when/ Give me an example of a time where

These questions normally end with something like; a time when you had to deal with a complaint, used your organisational skills,  used your time management skills well, when you had to make a difficult decision and so on. The interviewer wants to see how you have reacted and used your skills and experience to complete the situation effectively and efficiently, whether it was a planned or spontaneous situation.

10. What are your biggest accomplishments?

Again this is a great question to briefly discuss your best attributes in relation to the job that you are applying for. You might want to speak about any contributions you have made to previous companies or skills you are particularly proud of. Always relate back to the role you are applying for as it shows your enthusiasm and desire for the job.





Top eBooks Under $5 on Interviews




Need a quick, informational source to provide you with tips on how to prepare and ace your next job interview? Check out some of these eBooks found on that are all under five dollars! These eBooks are not only cheap, but easy to read, convenient and informational.

*Note: All ratings are out of five stars.

howtoanswerinterviewquestionsHow to Answer Interview Questions

by Peggy McKee

Price: $3.09

Rating: 5

Job Interview Success - How to Land Your Dream Job

by James Ricks

Price: $3.58

Rating: 4.5

Hiring Manager Secrets: 7 Interview Questions You Must Get Right

by Russell Tuckerton

Price: $3.59

Rating: 4.5

Get Hired: 25 Essential Interview Questions Decoded

by John Alexander

Price: $3.50

Rating: 5

Land That Job! The ULTIMATE Guide To Answering Interview Questions (Landing Your Job Series)

by Stacy Michelle

Price: $3.59

Rating: 4

Interview Skills: How to Get Hired NOW! Quick Job Interview Success Tips (Interview Quick Tip Series)

by Angela Massey

Price: $4.21

Rating: 5

Interview Answers (52 Brilliant Ideas)

by Infinite Ideas

Price: $3.17

Rating: 2

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Communication is key, no matter what area of work you are in or even if you are not employed.  Clear communication allows for success and further growth of ideas.  Use these eBooks found on to help you along the path to clearer communication.  Not only are these eBooks easily accessible, they are also all under five dollars!

*Note: Ratings are all out of five stars.

Always Know What To Say - Easy Ways To Approach And Talk To Anyone

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Changing Behavior: Immediately Transform Your Relationships with Easy to Learn, Proven Communication Skills

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How to Talk to People: The Shy Person's Guide to Confident Conversation

by Kate Kennedy

Price: $3.59

Rating: 4.5

Small Talk And Beyond: How To Start And Keep Up A Conversation With Anyone

by Victor L. Fox

Price: $3.59

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Energised: An Introvert's Guide to Effective Communication

by Mark Hipwood

Price: $3.59

Rating: 4

Franklin Executive Vocabulary for Effective Communication: 2180 Most Common Words for Business Communication (Franklin Vocab Builder)

by Franklin Vocab System

Price: $4.16

Rating: N/A

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by Michele L. Gaddis

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by Martin Stanley

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Job Interview: Top 10 tips

Follow these top 10 tips on how to prepare for a job interview and you will be flying with success!



So you've managed to get a job interview? Congratulations! But...the hard work has only just started!  The key is preparation. Follow these top 10 tips on how to prepare for a job interview and you will be one step closer to your dream job.

Top 10 tipsTop 10 tips

       1. Research

Research is a critical part of preparing for a job interview.  If the employer asks you the common question ´what do you know about our company?´ and you don´t know anything, it not only tells the employer that you´re not interested but you haven´t prepared for the interview.  Not only should you research the company but the role you are applying for.

      2. Arrive on Time

Arrive on time or even 10 minutes early (even better).  There is nothing worse than hearing the phrase ´sorry I'm late´ it not only  gives a bad first impression but  shows poor preparation and bad time management skills. If necessary, map out the route you need to take or do a trial run so you know how long it will take on the day.

      3. Revise your CV

It is vital to know your CV inside and out. Be prepared to speak about your skills, past experiences, hobbies and interests. Always remember to relate it back to the role you are applying for and avoid going off on a tangent, keep it short and sweet.

      4.  Practice Questions

It is a very good idea to practice an interview with friends or family to build your confidence and learn to answer questions with fluency without filling the gaps with érm´and ´hmm´.  Think of possible questions and and answers that the employer could ask you and try to answer them.

      5. Dress Code

Dress code is essential part of your first impression. Your future employer wants to be able to vision you in the role you are applying for, so make sure your appearance is of a high standard on the day. If you know you will be dressing more casual/smart for the role, it is always best to attend the interview smart and well dressed to give an excellent first impression.

      6. Etiquette

ALWAYS be polite, shake their hand and look the employer in the eye. Always use Sir or Madame unless the employer asks you to use their name. Throughout the interview never slouch or sit on the edge of the seat as this gives an impression that you are not interested and eager to leave. Sit comfortably, up right and hands on your lap. It is important to show a professional attitude throughout your interview.

      7. What to bring to an interview?

Do NOT turn up with a massive bag full of things you need for the gym or a bag full of things you don´t need. Be professional, take a professional folder including extra copies of your CV, references, a pad of paper and pen in-case you need to write something down.

      8. SMILE

Smiling and friendliness is important when presenting yourself in an interview.  Greet the receptionist and anyone that passes you with a smile, as you never know if they have influence in the decision process.

     9. Ask questions

At the end of an interview when the employer asks you if you have any questions, NEVER say no. You should have at least 5 questions written down to ask the employer to show your interest about the company and the role.

    10. Thank you note

A Thank you note is a thoughtful gesture of appreciation for the employer taking their time to interview you. The sole purpose of this letter is to make sure your name is kept at the front of the pile.  Keep the letter short as you just want to remind them of your interview and emphasise how much you do want the job. This will remind them of what a great candidate you were.





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